imitiaz dharkar -purdah -1 (a call from women heart)

Monday, September 20, 2010

The poor and innocent women shut in zenana!
How you can trust men who is capable of doing number of
endless mistakes, out of doors?
Toru Dutt.
Imitiaz Dharker's poem “Purdah -1” describe a poor condition of a women of 16 century. During that time the women were forced to be purdah as purdah was regarded as the instrument to protect them from evil gaze. But the muslim womens hate the purdah they wear. The famous writer Kamla Das of that time says that “she loves the orthodox society and purdah that muslim womens wear” .By lisening these words by Kamla Das many womens came forward and defend them and raise their voice against the purdah system . Their aim was to tear the purdah and wants the equal status of that of men in society.Due to this many womens writers and native womens starting questioning themselves:-
They don't have any hands in the and political
affairs of their country as men has
This time the womens were questioning the society and reawakening took place in them. By this kind of behaviour menfolk got shock and they started making excuse that God wants them to be in purdah as :-
God wants them to learn some shame,
its their duty that when god comes ,
they should stand up and bow their head ,
before him.
On this the womens said they are old enough to learn some shame,as they found it came naturally. So , Imitaiz Dharkar Purdah 1 depicts the sorry condition of womens and it is also a poem based on the inner voice of muslim womens that they want to tear up purdah system .


Unknown said...

Will u plz tell us the poetic devices which are used in poem and themes of the poem

Unknown said...

What u mean by womens.

HUSNAIN said...

Writer who wrote the poem was getting bored of Islam. Purdah is a "Shaan" of a women in Islam.
She wrote this poem to get claps from goraas and hindu because they are large in number.

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