Now you can make KFC original fried chicken at your home. Now you can prepare the KFC Original fried chicken at your home with the recipe mentioned here under.
To prepare this recipe you will require the following ingredients:
1 chicken, which is cut up into smaller frying pieces
150 grams of all purpose flour mixed with secret spices
1 pack of Tomato Soup
2 eggs
2/3 cup of milk
Vegetable oil to cover the bottom of a frying pan about 1/2 inch deep
First, beat the eggs in a bowl and pour the milk in the bowl, when a smooth mixture is obtained, set it aside.
Now get another bowl and mix the soup mix and flour together. Take a piece of chicken and dip it into the egg/milk batter.
Then place it in the flour mixture and cover the chicken with it. Repeat the dipping and covering process for each chicken piece till each one is generously coated.
Now put the chicken pieces into the frying pan and fry them over medium heat and cover the frying pan with its lid. Leave the pieces in there for about 25 to 30 minutes, turning and flipping occasionally.
When each of the pieces are fried golden brown, remove them from the frying pan and drain the excess oil onto paper towels.
KFC originl fried chicken ;)Its ready
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Mermaid in folklore, sea-dwelling creature commonly represented as having the head and body of a woman and a fishtail instead of legs. Belief in mermaids, and in their counterpart, mermen, has existed since earliest times. They are often described as having great beauty and charm, which they use to lure sailors to their deaths (seeSiren). In some legends they assumed human shape and married mortals (see Mélusin ). The origin of the mermaid is thought by some to be the dugong (see sirenian).
Legend and myth :
The Land Baby, by John Collier(1899)Legends of these half-human, half-fish humanoids have circulated for millennia, even as far back as 5,000 B.C. It has been widely suggested or implied that manatees or dugongs could be behind the myth of the mermaid. An example supporting this theory would be that Christopher Columbus had logged that he had seen mermaids on his journey to the new world, but thought they would be more attractive. These large aquatic mammals are notable for the way in which they carry their young, cradled in their arms much as a human would carry a baby. It is possible that sailors seeing these unfamiliar beasts for the first time, would assume that they had in fact stumbled across some sort of humanoid species, and consequently spread their accounts of the sightings through their homelands on their return from voyages. It has even been posited that the traditional image of a mermaid with long flowing hair could be attributed to manatees breaking the ocean surface underneath patches of seaweed, and giving the unfamiliar observer the impression of having long hair. Sightings from first-hand witnesses generally describe mermaids who do not talk and have green or black hair.
During Tsunami many mermaids were found dead on the sea coast. Mermaid In Tsunami It has actually been reported that the "mermaid mummy" found after the Tsunami (and the one that looks like a creepy Jar Jar Binks) are both sculptures created by talented artist Juan Cabana. He sold the mermaid creations on Ebay for over $1,550.00 US dollars. Apparently the buyers then used these sculptures to try and stir the media.
If it really appears than we have to really work on this
my mother
Thursday, September 23, 2010
You were my fairy tale princess,
when I needed comforting
You always found the time.
Your words were more soothing
Than days of childhood sublime.
Now the distance holds us apart,
The boundaries have no end.
I'll hold the memories in my heart.
You're my mother, my best friend
imitiaz dharkar -purdah -1 (a call from women heart)
Monday, September 20, 2010
The poor and innocent women shut in zenana!
How you can trust men who is capable of doing number of
endless mistakes, out of doors?
Toru Dutt.
Imitiaz Dharker's poem “Purdah -1” describe a poor condition of a women of 16 century. During that time the women were forced to be purdah as purdah was regarded as the instrument to protect them from evil gaze. But the muslim womens hate the purdah they wear. The famous writer Kamla Das of that time says that “she loves the orthodox society and purdah that muslim womens wear” .By lisening these words by Kamla Das many womens came forward and defend them and raise their voice against the purdah system . Their aim was to tear the purdah and wants the equal status of that of men in society.Due to this many womens writers and native womens starting questioning themselves:-
They don't have any hands in the and political
affairs of their country as men has
This time the womens were questioning the society and reawakening took place in them. By this kind of behaviour menfolk got shock and they started making excuse that God wants them to be in purdah as :-
God wants them to learn some shame,
its their duty that when god comes ,
they should stand up and bow their head ,
before him.
On this the womens said they are old enough to learn some shame,as they found it came naturally. So , Imitaiz Dharkar Purdah 1 depicts the sorry condition of womens and it is also a poem based on the inner voice of muslim womens that they want to tear up purdah system .
Sunday, September 19, 2010
ONe is not born as a women,
rather one becomes a women.
THese great words are shared with us by great supporting female Elaine Showalter. By these words she is trying to convey us that the moment we understand the Biological difference between male and female we support Feminism.
In 16th Century their was a great overwhemling question for a women TO BE A WRITER OR NOT TO BE A WRITER? as that time the condition of women was quite miserable they were not allowded to come out of the houses. the menfolk consider females as their slaves as the think that the womens are made by god to serve them and look about their childrens. The condition of muslim women was quite worst as they were force to wear Purdah on them.
rather one becomes a women.
THese great words are shared with us by great supporting female Elaine Showalter. By these words she is trying to convey us that the moment we understand the Biological difference between male and female we support Feminism.
In 16th Century their was a great overwhemling question for a women TO BE A WRITER OR NOT TO BE A WRITER? as that time the condition of women was quite miserable they were not allowded to come out of the houses. the menfolk consider females as their slaves as the think that the womens are made by god to serve them and look about their childrens. The condition of muslim women was quite worst as they were force to wear Purdah on them.
The poor innocent women was shut in zenana,
How could you trust this men out of house?
who keep on doing number of endless mistakes.
Think about it? and my next answer will be soon displayed in my blog which will clear your whole doubts. i will recall the PUrdah system again.
i love u more then words
Thursday, September 9, 2010
As I stare at the sky,
I see a shooting star.
I think of you
And all that we could be.
I made a wish
Upon that shooting star,
Hoping you would love me
The way that I love you.
When I looked into your eyes
I knew it was true;
I loved you,
And I thought you loved me too.
Since then you found a girl;
I wish that I was her,
But I am not,
And I won't stop wishing for you.
I love you more than words could say;
I wish I could hold you night and day.
I'll love you always and forever,
Even if you don't love me.
Can anyone of us come front and give the universal defination of love.What is love and How love begins and How long it lasts???? In today era everone has individual defination on love in their pockets...yaeh i am right.
Today the thing matters not in finding the exact defination of love rather than finding a right person in our life. Some says that pairs are made in Heaven.....But how can you exactly think so when the newly married couples gets divorced and again finding someone for marriage and that time they used to point out that God does not want them together or God has not made them for is really a stupid mark.....but it makes us think is this exactly God wants?? No really how it could be possible that god has made two or more than two persons for one person finally we can say pairs are not made in heaven they are naturally made by us on the earth.......some gets nice person in their life some gets bad person which make life a worst one.For making any relationship a beautiful one is keeping the trust in the relationship ........dont ever trust anyone except your partner because you have live a whole life with your partner not with the third party.....none will come around you when your home scattered. Finally you will be thinking that if our lifepartner always making us fool and breaking our trust then only we should be in love with our partner? i will like to comment on such sistuation be in that relationship till that time when there is trust if once broken its ok try to find the reason where is the gap and why our partner had tryed this....but still if you are having doubt on your innocent partner make easy for both just BREAKUP as why the innocent person should be hurted everytime by your stupid doubts........
Today the thing matters not in finding the exact defination of love rather than finding a right person in our life. Some says that pairs are made in Heaven.....But how can you exactly think so when the newly married couples gets divorced and again finding someone for marriage and that time they used to point out that God does not want them together or God has not made them for is really a stupid mark.....but it makes us think is this exactly God wants?? No really how it could be possible that god has made two or more than two persons for one person finally we can say pairs are not made in heaven they are naturally made by us on the earth.......some gets nice person in their life some gets bad person which make life a worst one.For making any relationship a beautiful one is keeping the trust in the relationship ........dont ever trust anyone except your partner because you have live a whole life with your partner not with the third party.....none will come around you when your home scattered. Finally you will be thinking that if our lifepartner always making us fool and breaking our trust then only we should be in love with our partner? i will like to comment on such sistuation be in that relationship till that time when there is trust if once broken its ok try to find the reason where is the gap and why our partner had tryed this....but still if you are having doubt on your innocent partner make easy for both just BREAKUP as why the innocent person should be hurted everytime by your stupid doubts........
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